
Read all about it. These posts are mostly dev logs of the workings behind my Twitch Extensions and Streamlabs Desktop apps. If there is ever a particularly ambitious streaming or YouTube project, those might also be written about here. The headers are coloured coded.

10 years

As of today, it is exactly 10 years since the first Casperr video. Perhaps not as impressive as Tom Scott's decade of not missing a single Monday upload, or Chris Broad's Japanophilic foreign-living escapades (and best-selling novel), but still something very significant in my humble little life.

Read the full post - "10 years"

8 years on YouTube

8 years ago today I uploaded the first TF2 video to my YouTube channel. The channel itself is actually over 15 years old, but the videos back then of a 13 year old Casperr and friends doing very tame jackass inspired bush jumping and - only by the most generous descriptions - something like parkour have long since been lost to the annals of time.

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The first post

Whilst this might be the inagural blog post on this website - in April 2021 - the site has actually been around a while, and the projects featured on it have been around a whole while longer than that. Even though the real reasons for the gulf in time might boil down to nothing more than common tardiness, it does at least give me the opportunity to introduce these projects, as well as myself.

Read the full post - "the first post"